Sunday, January 27, 2008

Cumin and Coriader

Cominos y Cilantro. Perhaps there is no country that uses these two spices, or rather spice and herb, more than the South American country of Colombia. Cominos are a must for any soup and no ají (the Colombian term for salsa) would be complete without cilantro. I don't think Mexicans use these two spices in their cooking to the extent that Colombians do and for people who don't appreciate the odor of these spices, Colombian cooking can be hard to get used to.
Both cominos and cilantro are old world spices, brought by the Spaniards to the Americas. Both belong to the umbellifera (carrot) family. Cominos are a common ingredient in Indian curries and frequently found in Middle Eastern cooking (for instance hummus). In Tex-Mex food it is a signature ingredient of Chile con carne and to some people it smells like sweat. More information can be found in Wikipedia's article on cumin from which the illustration is taken.

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